
Cecilomar Design

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Maker.


Lately (meaning the couple of months that I have been MIA) I’ve taken to writing my mind in small notepads that I carry around. At first I started writing notes, reminders, and such. Once I went back underway, it became my diary of sorts.

Now, I’ve come to a realization that I am not a graphic designer anymore, at least not in the professional way. I’m working more than full time in the Coast Guard again. I really have no time to get clients to make advertisements, logos and such.

I say this, because I never wanted this website to become an actual blog. I didn’t want to just write my mind into the void; that’s not professional (for some people). But that’s what I’m going to start doing.

That’s it. That’s what this post is about, me talking about nothing.



