
Cecilomar Design

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Maker.

Internet Underway

The Internet that I have while underway to is so limited (by limited I mean slow), that browsing the web and keeping my blog updated is becoming a torture. Is almost impossible to use. I feel like I'm back on dial up! I can't have Internet in my own computer either so I am not allowed to use one of those applications to write a blog from my desktop and my online WYSIWYG editor is too big. Is not really how slow the connection is but that the Internet is too fast elsewhere. That makes me think about something, something that just a couple of years ago was one of the most important facts about a web developing: we've forgotten to think about how a big a website is. I think that is good, I am one of them. I love not having to think too much about the graphics. I don't have to convert everything to GIF anymore. I started using PNG images with faded transparencies on my websites a long time ago. Who cares of how big are… it does not matter anymore. I've learned to appreciate what I have now. I browse mobile versions of the websites I like and suscribe to the recive my news by email. I also developed a small application to read my RSS feeds without using a lot of bandwidth. It feels that I am getting used to it. Let's hope for the best that the USCG changes their policy and let us have some of that limited Internet in our own computer. Yeah, that's not going to happen…



