
Cecilomar Design

Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Maker.

I’m done with WordPress, but not really

I had some problems with my WordPress install. OK, it was my fault. I updated every website that I administer, made sure that all the security check were done, made sure that my passwords were not dumb… All the stuff. However, I forgot about MY website. I didn’t update it regularly. It’s only a matter of time until someone scanned my install and hacked into it.

As of now, everything looks OK. They didn’t take it down or anything, no. They just installed multiple phishing websites all over. I just erased the whole thing and started again, but differently.

You see, what I like about WordPress is that it’s easy to update. However, there are some features that I just don’t need. At this point in my life, I don’t need a heavy content management system that is always ready to do whatever I need it to. I just need a static website that I update from time to time, and static is the keyword. The way my website works now is static. As of now there’s not a single piece of code around. All the programming is done off-site. The old way.

The secret is that I still manage my website from a WordPress installation. After I’m done with any changes, I just publish the whole thing to HTML. It takes some extra time but it’s well worth it. Also, the pages load faster because the server is just serving web pages, and not dynamically generating them every time someone is viewing them.

Are static HTML websites hack proof? Hell no! Well, the HTML itself is, just not the server, but that is another story.


